Monday, May 31, 2010

Life Isn't Serious.

-Not exactly a poem... but poetic..-

Life isn’t something that needs to be taken seriously. You only have 80 years to live. Why only make some of those moments count? Me, I want to make all of those moments count. Life shouldn’t have to be a chore. Life is meant to be exciting and full of love, but when you sit behind a mask and hide from the world, you cant let your true self come out. I don’t want to be 30 and miserable because I hate my job or my daily routine. Why not take a different route to your destination? Who cares if its an extra 10 minutes, every one needs a change of scenery. Why have a lot of acquaintances when you can have a bunch of best friends right there by your side. Why argue with someone you love when you know that it’ll be over in a few minutes anyway.

Why not let yourself go a little nuts every now and then? Smile when you feel like smiling. Love when you feel like loving. Give your heart to the person you love, even if it has a good chance of being broken in the future. It is better to have love and lost, then to have never have loved at all. Why not have a relaxing day with a book and a warm blanket? Life isn’t a question or a rhyme. Life is an experience that we all have to make count. Why grow up when everyone says that childhood is the best time of your life? Who says childhood has to do with age? Childhood is in your soul. Childhood is the time in your life when you learn how to be unique. So why not keep your personality and not melt in with the other faces on the street?

Why think about revenge when you can think about forgiveness. Why even think at all. Do everything on a whim and be proud, no regrets. Love and never forget the way it felt. Cry when you feel like crying. Hug and kiss the people who have treated you well in life. Thank the people you love for loving you for you. Thank you.


Old, withered, and torn,
Flower once bright and beautiful,
Going grey and dreadful,
Not much life left in the vase,
Forgotten and unloved,
No sense of love left,
What was once so brilliant,
Has now become hidden.

-Ashley O'Rourke

Dear Daddy

You cant be erased,
I see your features on my face,
every time I look into a mirror,
I quiver,
For the memory of you is still in place,
I felt like I was deleted and erased,
I used to cry,
Cry so hard I would get headaches,
I tried to get you out of my mind,
But I cant get you off of my face,
I see you every time I see me,
I still feel like a little girl waiting for her daddy,
I’m scared to grow up,
But I think I’m ready,
My love for you is still the same,
I know that may be wrong,
And I know that you’re to blame,
I want you to be a daddy,
Strong, proud, and steady,
I don’t think your stable or ready,
I want you to be loved,
I don’t want you to feel like your alone,
You will not be shoved out of my life,
Even though your words feel like knives,
Ripping through the part of me that knows your lies,
I want you to be known,
Not for the hurt you gave,
But for your humor, your smile, your heart,
The part that people don’t see,
Your heart with bars surrounding,
Nothing gets in,
Nothing gets out,
Your heart begins drowning,
You forget you have a heart,
The part that made you drown in the first place,
I love you,
I know how I feel,
You need to love you,
So you can heal that part of you that you’ve ignored,
The sore pit in your chest,
Its still beating,
Its still bleeding,
Its not gone,
Its forgotten.

-Ashley O'Rourke


As I lie awake,
I think some,
I realize all the chances I should take,
As the new years come,
The bad grow old,
The good die young,
Memories on the shelf,
I can’t clearly see myself,
Why am I here?
I don’t know,
One day I’ll disappear,
Time goes on,
With the dawn.
-Ashley O'Rourke